Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Let's play... Jail?

When I was a kid my friend and I played Jail.

We also played Sisters, House, and our favorite: School.  But I have some of the clearest memories of our Jail days - maybe because there were fewer of them than the others, or maybe because it usually involved food.

Our "jail" was set up in her basement laundry room which housed the family deep freeze.

I don't remember whether we had rules or activities, or if we just had to sit alone for long periods of time.  But I do remember eating out of the deep freeze. Come to think of it, we must have had long hours of sitting because nothing tasted better than those frozen peas, corn and blueberry ego waffles!  We must have been hungry!  (Side note: I suggest trying all three in their frozen state, really brings out different flavors).

I'm 62% certain that one of the prisoner's duties was to make paper.  I think we'd been experimenting with collecting dryer lint and combining it with old newspaper that we soaked in water and pureed in a blender.  I believe we integrated our art experiment with playing Jail when we heard that many prisoners have jobs making license plates.  We didn't have any metal presses, so paper it was.  

I don't remember why we stopped playing Jail, or when the last time was, but I'd have to imagine it was because whoever was playing the jailer had a pretty boring job.  Sitting in den while the prisoner mucked around making paper must have gotten old.  Also, our interest likely waned when we verified that dryer lint doesn't make for quality paper.  Or anything even resembling paper in the slightest.  

But man, those frozen peas were delicious.  

1 comment:

  1. Blueberry ego waffles, I never knew Jail was the reason you liked them! Eating out the deep freeze...
